Did you know you could be throwing away your money by buying the cheapest vacuum? You might even be throwing away the dollars by tossing it on the flashiest, most expensive brand, too. What a crazy thought! We can go from one extreme to another: being as thrifty as possible by nabbing the cheapest vacuum […]
Achieving Cleaner Kitchen Countertops
Since we use our kitchens several times a day, the countertops and surfaces in our kitchen are something that should be cleaned multiple times a day. All of the preparation and meal planning that goes on there makes it an important step in keeping kitchens sanitary. Sometimes, however, it can feel as though there’s always […]
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Knowing how to effectively clean ceiling fans, without it being a great hassle, poses a great cleaning quandary for everyone. Home owners and local cleaning services alike benefit from being able to clean them in a timely manner. Once you have the magic formula, however, ceiling fans are a no brainer! Tools for the Deep […]
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With rising concerns over health, viruses, and living sanitary lives after the COVID-19 outbreak, there has been a surge in cleaning chemical related poisonings. In the beginning of 2020, calls to poison control centers spiked by 20%. Many people described difficulties breathing, dizziness, and vomiting from inhaling or ingesting the chemical products. The rush to disinfect […]
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Maid to Shine is offering a brand-new service: Electrostatic Fogging. Electrostatic Fogging is a professional level service, used to disinfect airlines, schools, and government buildings. It is a powerful cleaning tool that can be used to effectively fight against COVID-19. At Maid to Shine, we are excited to offer this new, effective cleaning service. Along […]
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By: Michelle Tran Regularly cleaning your home is important… or is it? Does it matter if you clean your home willy-nilly and all over? It probably doesn’t matter too much if you’re a little scattered and unorganized, right? But if you’re tight for time on a tight schedule and youwant to keep a clean home, […]
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By: Michelle Tran Last week we talked about the best methods for sweeping floors so that they’re immaculate! This week we’ll discuss what it takes to finish those floors with a mind-blowing mop! Finding a great mop routine that leaves your floors always shining might seem impossible, but just like sweeping, there are some great, […]
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By: Michelle Tran We all like it when our homes are clean. Who really enjoys having their house perpetually unkept? No-one, which is exactly why you have us clean your homes to begin with. We make a lot of effort to get your floors shining, and we have a few tips that will help you […]
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Remember when you’d go to a friend’s house when you were younger and their mom would make you pop off your shoes at the door? Well, that lady that you perceived as a germaphobe really had the right idea! What’s the deal with taking off your shoes when you enter a home? Let’s find out! […]
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